Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Friday, May 8, 2020
Monday, May 4, 2020
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Happy Earth Day
Monday, April 20, 2020
Library Activites / Actividades de la Biblioteca
Friday, April 17, 2020
Thursday, April 16, 2020
This is from the Irving ISD 2020 Spring Art show at the Irving Art Center.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Visit to find the answers
Engaging Questions for Young Learners
Enjoy this week’s 5 new questions you can use to
send your young learner at home on their next research adventure:
Which is the largest continent?
Which inventor is famous for his cookies?
What is the world's highest mountain range?
What is an animal without any bones called?
What is another name for a puffer fish?
Library Activities / Actividades de la Biblioteca
National Poetry Month
The Road Not TakenCreate your Comic Strip
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Poetry Apps on Apple and Anroid
If you’re looking for iPad sites, try one of these:
- Diamante Poems
- Acrostic Poems (iPad, Android – Free)
- Poems by Heart From Penguin Classics (iPad – Free with in-app purchases)
- Shakespeare’s Sonnets (iPad – fee)
- POETRY From The Poetry Foundation (iPad, Android – Free)
- Haiku Poem (iPad, Android – Free)
- Theme Poems (Free – iPad, Android)
- Word Mover app for iPad
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Monday, April 6, 2020
Library Activities / Actividades de la Biblioteca
Check out the library activities that are going on this week.
#Bartonlib1 in Twitter/Facebook/Instagram and send us your pictures and videos.
Here are the links for Mrs. Cardenas and Mrs.Lyons favorite poems.
Echa un vistazo a las actividades de la biblioteca que se están llevando a cabo esta semana. #Bartonlib1 en Twitter/Facebook/Instagram y envíanos tus fotos y vídeos. Estos son los enlaces de la señora Cárdenas y la señora Lyons poemas favoritos.
#Bartonlib1 in Twitter/Facebook/Instagram and send us your pictures and videos.
Here are the links for Mrs. Cardenas and Mrs.Lyons favorite poems.
Echa un vistazo a las actividades de la biblioteca que se están llevando a cabo esta semana. #Bartonlib1 en Twitter/Facebook/Instagram y envíanos tus fotos y vídeos. Estos son los enlaces de la señora Cárdenas y la señora Lyons poemas favoritos.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Need to communicate in another language in rea time / Necesita comunicarse en otro idioma en tiempo real
Parent-Teacher Translators
Engage parents and the school community by providing real-time language translation for parent-teacher conferences. Download from your browsers to computer.
Involucre a los padres y a la comunidad escolar proporcionando traducción en idiomas en tiempo real para las conferencias de padres y maestros. Descargar desde su navegador a la computadora.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Small potatoes!
Small Potatoes singing about art! Relax and enjoy!
¡Papas pequeñas cantando sobre arte! ¡Relájate y disfruta!
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Message from your P.E. Teachers
Hello Irving students
and families!
This page is designed
for all students and families to stay active, learn and have fun during time
away from school. In this hyperdoc there will be activities, worksheets, and
videos to follow. Our goal is to continue to be physically active at home for
at least 30 minutes a day. I hope you enjoy the activities and continue to
make healthy, safe choices!!
Before you start here
are some safety tips…
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
How are you feeling?
I'M BORED by Michael Ian Black and illustrated by Debbie Ridpath Ohi
This is a story about a little girl who is bored...until she meets a potato who is bored too. Listen to the story which is read by the author and at the end, you will meet the illustrator of the book. She will draw you some examples of potatoes with different emotional expressions. When she is done, draw (using anything you have at home and on anything you have available at home) your potatoes. Draw expressions you are feeling during this time and label them. Maybe, you can pick one and write a short paragraph or short story about it.'
I would love to see your drawings and stories. Just go to my Google classroom and post them. Can't wait to see them.
¿Como te sientes?
“Estás aburrido” por Michael Ian Black e ilustrado por Debbie Ridpath Ohi
Esta es un cuento sobre una niña que está aburrida ... hasta que conoce a una papa que también está aburrido. Escuche el cuento que lee el autor y, al final, te encontrarás con el ilustrador del libro. Ella te dibujará algunos ejemplos de papas con diferentes expresiones emocionales. Cuando haya terminado, dibuja (usando cualquier cosa que tengas en casa y cualquier cosa que tengas disponible en casa) tus papas. Dibuja expresiones que estés sintiendo durante este tiempo y etiquétalas. Tal vez, puede elegir uno y escribir un párrafo corto o un cuento corta al respecto.
Me encantaría ver tus dibujos e historias. Simplemente ve a mi clase de Google y publícalas. No puedo esperar para verlos.
This is a story about a little girl who is bored...until she meets a potato who is bored too. Listen to the story which is read by the author and at the end, you will meet the illustrator of the book. She will draw you some examples of potatoes with different emotional expressions. When she is done, draw (using anything you have at home and on anything you have available at home) your potatoes. Draw expressions you are feeling during this time and label them. Maybe, you can pick one and write a short paragraph or short story about it.'
I would love to see your drawings and stories. Just go to my Google classroom and post them. Can't wait to see them.
¿Como te sientes?
“Estás aburrido” por Michael Ian Black e ilustrado por Debbie Ridpath Ohi
Esta es un cuento sobre una niña que está aburrida ... hasta que conoce a una papa que también está aburrido. Escuche el cuento que lee el autor y, al final, te encontrarás con el ilustrador del libro. Ella te dibujará algunos ejemplos de papas con diferentes expresiones emocionales. Cuando haya terminado, dibuja (usando cualquier cosa que tengas en casa y cualquier cosa que tengas disponible en casa) tus papas. Dibuja expresiones que estés sintiendo durante este tiempo y etiquétalas. Tal vez, puede elegir uno y escribir un párrafo corto o un cuento corta al respecto.
Me encantaría ver tus dibujos e historias. Simplemente ve a mi clase de Google y publícalas. No puedo esperar para verlos.
TV for At-Home Learning! KERA
Starting Monday, March 30, KERA will broadcast television programs
from 6am to 6pm that were specially selected for at-home learning. We also
will provide links to digital resources to supplement what students learn from
the programs. Programs for pre-K through third grades will air from 6am to 8am,
shows for fourth through eighth grades will air from 8am to 2pm, and shows for
ninth through 12th grades will air from 2pm to 6pm. The programs will run
Monday through Friday on KERA’s main channel. You can find the special broadcastschedule here.
Children can still watch all their favorite PBS KIDS programs around the
clock on KERA Kids 24/7 on digital television channel and 13.2 for over the air
viewers. You can also stream our KERA Kids 24/7 channel anytime you want from
our website. Find the KERA Kids/13.2 scheduleand the streaming link at
Monday, March 30, 2020
Irving Art Center
Hello Amazing Artists!
I just wanted to share some information from the Irving Art Center. The Irving Art
Center will be continuing their programs for kids virtually. On Thursday April
2nd at 8 a.m., they are having their JumpstART stories and art series that will
have a virtual story time and a craft. Also, they are continuing with their
Sunday Funday activities on Sunday April 19th. Currently, their plan is to have
an Irving Art Center parking lot pickup where families will be able to drive
through and pick up a package with some art materials and directions to do at
home. If the shelter-in-place order is still in effect for Dallas County, they
plan to present a virtual craft activity on that day.
Just visit for more information and links for these virtual
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Friday, March 27, 2020
Where Are My Books?
This is a fun story about a boy who loves his books. Then one day, his books begin to disappear, one by one! Where are they and who is taking them!! Listen to the story to find out. Then grab some paper and a pencil and learn how to draw the mystery book snatcher or snatchers! After you draw your mystery character, write a paragraph or short story about an adventure your character did and then share on Classroom Google. Your teacher will share the code with you so you will have access to load your pictures and/or make comments. I can't wait to see what you all come up with for your drawing and stories. Remember to show online etiquette when commenting and sharing. Miss you all and can't wait to get back to some normal life.

- get a ball of any kind, soccer/basketball/bouncy ball or you can use a pillow or bed or couch or if you have an exercise ball that would be great too. Find 2 sticks you can use to bang with: drum sticks, wooden spoons from the kitchen, noodles, paper towel tubes, sticks from outside, or even pencils. Set the ball or pillow up at a height you can reach it when standing.
Follow these DrumFIT videos from Coach Martinez’s Playlist
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Hello Barton Musicians!
I know you have heard this so many times, but
Isn't it so cool that we can meet here like this, though?!
I hope you know how much I miss your beautiful singing voices, and your smiling faces, and all the wonderful music we make in the music room!
But no worries - we can still share music with each other from a distance!
Your specials classes are so important right now - they are a chance for you to explore your creativity at your own pace, without distractions! I hope you will take the time to try the activities you find here. Music, Art and Physical activity are all great ways to give your brain an energizing break!
So, here we go!
Music is all around you!
Start listening to the music that is around you. There are so many ways you can hear it:
*Birds chirping outside
*A radio playing
*Commercials on TV
*Background music in a movie
*YouTube, Spotify, Pandora or other music Apps
*From a phone, tablet, computer, or other smart device
Begin to notice all the ways you hear music in your everyday life. Let the music you find help lift your spirit, relax your mind, and energize your creativity!
Share with me, and comment below with ways that you find music in your living space!
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
What is Color?
What is Color?
Color is an element of art. Color is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected to the eye. There are three properties to color. The first is hue, which simply means the name we give to a color (red, yellow, blue, green, etc.). The second property is intensity (, which refers to the "strength" of the color. Like when someone says, "That's so colorful". The third property is value (value is an element of art). Value is the lightness and darkness of a color.
PRIMARY COLORS: Red, Yellow, and Blue. No color mixed together can make these three colors, but you need these three colors to make all the other colors.
SECONDARY COLORS: Orange, Green, and Purple. Mixing two primary colors together will give you the secondary color. Red + Yellow = Orange (Orange is between the two colors that create it), Blue + Yellow = Green (Green is between the two colors that create it), and Blue + Red = Purple ( Purple is between the two colors that create it).
COMPLEMENTARY COLORS are colors across from each other on the color wheel. Red and Green, Blue and Orange, and Purple and Yellow.
Creating a Color WheelThe only supplies you will need are those that you find around the house. Create a color wheel using items/objects you find in your house. If you can, take a picture of your color wheel and post it on my Google Classroom. Your teachers will be sharing the code with you so you will have access to load your pictures and/or make comments. I can't wait to see what you all use to create your color wheel. Remember to show online etiquette when commenting and sharing your work.
¿Qué es el color?
El color es un elemento del arte. El color se produce cuando la luz, que golpea un objeto, se refleja en el ojo. Hay tres propiedades para colorear. El primero es el tono, que simplemente significa el nombre que le damos a un color (rojo, amarillo, azul, verde, etc.). La segunda propiedad es la intensidad (que se refiere a la "fuerza" del color. Como cuando alguien dice: "Eso es muy colorido". La tercera propiedad es el valor (el valor es un elemento del arte). El valor es la claridad y la oscuridad de un color.
COLORES PRIMARIOS: rojo, amarillo y azul. Ningún color mezclado puede hacer estos tres colores, pero necesita estos tres colores para hacer todos los demás colores.
COLORES SECUNDARIOS: Naranja, Verde y Morado. Mezclar dos colores primarios juntos le dará el color secundario. Rojo + Amarillo = Naranja (Naranja está entre los dos colores que lo crean), Azul + Amarillo = Verde (Verde está entre los dos colores que lo crean), y Azul + Rojo = Púrpura (El púrpura está entre los dos colores que lo crean) )
COLORES COMPLEMENTARIOS son colores uno frente al otro en la rueda de colores. Rojo y verde, azul y naranja, y púrpura y amarillo.
Mire el video a continuación sobre el color ROY G BIV
Crear una rueda de color
Los únicos suministros que necesitará son aquellos que encuentre en la casa. Crea una rueda de colores usando objetos / objetos que encuentres en tu casa. Si puede, tome una foto de su rueda de colores y publíquela en mi Google Classroom. Sus maestros compartirán el código con usted para que tenga acceso a cargar sus fotos y / o hacer comentarios. No puedo esperar para ver lo que todos ustedes usan para crear su rueda de colores. Recuerde mostrar etiqueta en línea cuando comente y comparta su trabajo. Vea mi ejemplo a continuación y una imagen de una rueda de colores.
Después de haber creado su rueda de colores, comparta conmigo. Si aún no tienes acceso a mi clase de Google. Pídale a su maestro que comparta el código con usted o desplácese hacia abajo en el aula de su maestro y debería poder encontrar el enlace a mi aula. De esta manera, tendrá acceso para cargar sus imágenes y / o hacer comentarios.
Color Wheel (pin made by Confetti In the Classroom) |
Hello My Amazing Artists!!!!
Hello My Amazing Artists!!!!
by Mrs. Davis
I pray everyone is doing well. I will be posting some art activities for you to do during your time at home, but don't worry, if you don't have the exact materials needed, you can substitute other things with which to create your masterpiece. For example, if you don't have drawing paper, you can use newspaper, a paper sack, cereal box, etc. If you don't have crayons, just use a pencil, if you don't have a pencil, use a pen. Just use your creative minds to create your masterpiece with what you have at home. Love and miss y'all!!!
How to Create Watercolor Using Dried Up Markers.
If you have old markers that are dried up, you can make your own watercolor paint. 1st, sort by color (you can mix your pinks with your reds, different shades of blue, different shades of green, etc.), get a cup, add 1/2 cup of water, and put the marker in the water. Let it set for about 30 minutes and you will have homemade watercolor paint (see example below).
picture from blog "Our Home Sweet Home"
by Mrs. Davis
I pray everyone is doing well. I will be posting some art activities for you to do during your time at home, but don't worry, if you don't have the exact materials needed, you can substitute other things with which to create your masterpiece. For example, if you don't have drawing paper, you can use newspaper, a paper sack, cereal box, etc. If you don't have crayons, just use a pencil, if you don't have a pencil, use a pen. Just use your creative minds to create your masterpiece with what you have at home. Love and miss y'all!!!
How to Create Watercolor Using Dried Up Markers.
If you have old markers that are dried up, you can make your own watercolor paint. 1st, sort by color (you can mix your pinks with your reds, different shades of blue, different shades of green, etc.), get a cup, add 1/2 cup of water, and put the marker in the water. Let it set for about 30 minutes and you will have homemade watercolor paint (see example below).
picture from blog "Our Home Sweet Home"
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
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